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Many probably thought about how great it would be to get the abilities of superheroes. For example, teleport home without losing a second of life for traffic jams. Or stop the time before the offline. And in terms of such useful abilities to heroes Dishonored There was always something to boast, because Corvo and Daud had almost the perfect set of a wide variety of skills.
The second part of the game from Arkane She stepped even further: in it two heroes and, accordingly, twice as many interesting opportunities. We decided to dream a little about what application these skills could find in the life of an ordinary person. And at the same time tell how they are used in Dishonored 2.
We get used to the skin of Emily
We will begin, perhaps, with a new playable character of the series – the matured Emily Koldwin. Like her mentor Korvo, at some point she contacted a stranger-a mysterious man with black eyes and obscure intentions. And as a result, she received several interesting skills that would probably not interfere with any person.
So, she has “attraction” – the ability to move to the right place or attract objects to itself with the help of some otherworldly “tentacles”. "Attraction" resembles the ability of the cortle to teleport, only the girl, unlike her mentor, does not disappear during such a movement, but remains in sight. What makes her somewhat vulnerable.
► At first glance, the “attraction” of Emily is inferior to the teleportation of the corvo – during movements it may be noticed. However, this ability allows not only to move, but also to attract objects to itself. The lord-defender cannot boast of this.
However, even in this capacity, this skill would probably be useful to us. To reach the gamepad lying at the other end of the room from under the blankets, for example. Or in order to play football or basketball more efficiently, washing the balls directly from under the nose. As for Emily herself, she uses her ability more conservatively: moving from one place to another or attracting to herself (or better to successfully located mines) guards.
Another useful skill, “hypnosis”, allows you to temporarily enter several enemies at once into a trance state, and then pass by. Well, or kill, that with their defenselessness is an elementary task. Of course, we would not harm anyone and applied this ability a little differently. For example, to pass the editors who owe the material! Or so as not to explain to the second half on the topic of why she found you not at all where you should be at that moment.
“Light shadow” (in the English version of Shadow Walk) allows Emily to turn into … Shadow, becoming invisible to opponents, and penetrate inaccessible places. In this appearance, a girl can quietly go to enemies to the rear and even commit silent killings. We would most likely apply this skill for more peaceful, but also insidious purposes-in Halloween it is difficult to come up with a way to scare someone better than becoming a shadow and materialize right behind the victim.
► Some Emily’s abilities are somewhat reminiscent of Jackie Estacido skills The Darkness. And the tentacles are a little similar, and they love darkness equally.
► Dishonored has always been famous for allowing many points to go through so that in other games it would be considered frank cheatics. And the second part, apparently, is not inferior to it in this regard.
Even more interesting is the ability of “domino”, which allows to “connect” up to four living creatures among themselves. Everything that happens with one of the people in a connection extends to the rest, and if, for example, to kill one of them, others will also die. With the help of this original skill, Emily builds different intrigues to his opponents. For example, only one sacrifice is strangled or drowning, but the rest at that moment also begin to suffocate or choke directly on land. The combination of “dominoes” with the “attraction” skill is especially interesting, because it is worth pulling one enemy to yourself, how all the enemies associated with it will also go into a protracted flight. Left a mine at the point of landing – and that’s all, there is no more threat.
More curious combinations are obtained if you apply Domino simultaneously with the “double” skill. The understudy Emily fights well and can distract the attention of the enemy. But it is much more interesting that it can also be associated with someone with the help of "domino". Should the enemy pierce the double of the heroine connected with him, and he himself will not be too good. Such suicide by negligence.
► If the corvo knows how to call for the help of rats, then the “pets” Emily sometimes acts a swarm of corpse OS.
If such interesting possibilities were revealed to us in real life, we would find them more peaceful, although not the fact that legal application. “Domino” suggests itself for some joint campaigns or gatherings, unless, of course, people apply to people in conjunction and pleasant effects also. Just imagine: one person will buy a ticket for an American slides, and all his friends will get pleasure. And with alcohol or food, it would have turned out to be interesting: eats one – good for everyone. Savings are evident! And side effects like a hangover you can not be afraid.
"Double" would perfectly suit the incorrect spouses or wanting to hit the work early. Here you are supposedly working right in front of the boss, but in fact you are already enjoying freedom somewhere far away, leaving your clone in the office. Interesting, maybe he also copes better? Then its productivity could be increased repeatedly, engaged in several tasks at the same time.
“Transposition” would also be useful to us: it allows you to change places with any enemy and even with its double. It would be very useful in a long line to take someone in front. Although from the point of view of morality, the act is dubious, of course.
This is even more interesting in the game: you lure the enemies to the explosives nearby nearby, create a double behind them, after which you change places with him and explode opponents with your understudy. Or provoke the enemy, wait for his shot, and then immediately use the “transposition” so that he falls from his own bullet.
And finally, the last Emily’s skill is “dark vision”, with the help of which she sees the silhouettes of opponents through the walls. It is difficult for such a skill to find a lot of applications, but to avoid unwanted meetings or to crank up some super-secret business, it would help it unnoticed.
We instill in the corvo
The skills of the protagonist of the first part, Corvo, have changed little, but some editors still made. Yes, the Lord-defender can still be teleported with the help of the ability to “transfer” (aka Blink), only now he learned to inflict deadly blows at once at the end of such a movement. And also, as in the addition The Knife of Dunwall , There is an opportunity to “freeze” time during the “transfer” and change the purpose of the purpose. What makes Blink more comfortable.
You can find peaceful use of this ability. So, neither cars, with their expensive gasoline and traffic jams, no close public transport would be useful to us. Know yourself jump from the roof to the roof at high speed. This kind of movement would have turned out even more interesting. Indeed, instead of monotonous movement horizontally, we would have been waiting for whole strips of obstacles and a sea of adrenaline! And no stairs or elevators: he wanted to climb to the sixth floor – teleported directly through the window.
► With the new city of high places, it has become much larger, which opens up the scope for more interesting manipulations with the abilities of the heroes.
Another old Korvo ability, "bending time", also in place. And also a little changed. As before, with its help you can stop the time, but now it is allowed and rewind it forward. Thanks to this ability, the corvo manages to turn even more stylish combinations.
Suppose you need to deliver a stunned enemy to another building alive. And at the same time he lies on his fourth floor, and you won’t force him to move. And if in other projects the players would drag the enemy’s carcass up the stairs and gateways, then everything is much easier here: he threw the enemy out the window, stopped time, teleported and calmly caught the body, already standing on the street.
Although there are, of course, other, simple, but interesting applications for this skill. For example, in the first part we liked to put the enemies under the feet of the mines in slowdown. Or release into each of them a pool from a pistol, and then enjoy the spectacle, when several enemies at the same time (and very beautifully) die at once. Or to move into the enemy and bring him under his own time a bullet in time is another curious way to force the local and to commit suicide.
And here, perhaps, we are revealed the largest scope for fantasy, because indulging over time has always been a dream of almost every modern person. So, for example, in his school years, I wanted to stop the time and arrange an unscheduled break for myself, after which, as if nothing had happened, to return to the place and continue the lesson. And with the advent of work, such a skill has become even more desirable. And what spaciousness opens for all kinds of draws! “Frowned” everyone around, turned some funny dirty tricks and “launched” everything again.
In the end, the stop of time could become an ideal way to extend some special life moments, such as meetings with loved ones or any significant successes. They are too fleeting too.
► Higher aerobatics of the game for the corvo-stand between two enemies, wait for one of them to get a gun, and then stop the time and leave the line of fire. The dumbfounded enemy in this case will simply shoot his ally.
Korvo remained with the ability to instill in living creatures. The hero is still subject to the minds of rats and even people. However, now he can move from one someone else's body to another completely without losing time. But in Karnak, unlike Danuall, there are much more insects. So from now on you can take possession of the mind, for example, a wasp that is much more mobile.
With the allation, too, you can come up with many interesting things and in real life. It would be an indispensable ability for all kinds of fraud. He wanted to improve his life (and not only)? I got into some important bump and made a call to the right person. Unhappy with the decision of the leadership? Took them under control and organized everything in his own way.
Well, in an extreme case, if such kunshtuki does not allow conscience, you can establish a personal life by settling in a loved one to your beloved (or beloved) and recognizing her or closer. And in general it is interesting, probably, to feel what other people or animals feel in their own skin.
► Another curious way to use the instilling in real life is to cheat while playing poker. Enchanted all at all at the table, spied their cards, and it will become much easier to win!
In addition, as before, Korvo knows how to control rats. Now two flocks are subject to him at the same time, which can be combined into one large and set to opponents. And they can also follow the corvo, attacking oncoming enemies. In life, we, of course, would not use them for this, but to apply the talents of rodents for much more useful work – to remove garbage or dispose of waste – this is with joy. Well what? Such labor disappears!
Well, the last declared ability of the corvo, the “gust of wind”, also migrated from the original. As before, it allows you to feel like a knight, scattering opponents with powerful gusts of wind or stopping enemy shells in the air. It becomes especially fun when next to a large accumulation of enemies was a cliff or a cylinder with an explosive burst successfully.
► Another master class performed by Emily and Corvo.
In the real world, with the help of such a skill, you can also fight off the hooligans in the gateways, brag about friends or just have fun, destroying the unable trash to anyone. Which, of course, is not always useful, but it looks cool and looks great!
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Of course, within the framework of one material, we could not consider all those opportunities that would provide us with the abilities of Corvo and Emily. If suddenly you have ideas more entertaining than ours – share them in the comments. We are very interesting!
Well, you can also experiment in the games themselves, because Dishonoreded has always been famous for giving many opportunities to solve the problem original and, most importantly, beautifully.
Make a pre -order for the game | All about Dishonored 2